Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cooper Ames - You Handsome Fella, You!

Ummmm...check out that first picture! We love, love, love, love, LOVE
IT! And those toes, don't you just want to smother them in
kisses!?!?! By the way, I bet we use this pic more than once!

Now, focus your attention on that second picture! Is Cooper Ames a
handsome little fella or what? (Oh yeah - we are kind of fond of his
b.loved blanket too!)

Finally, if you live in or around Lubbock, Texas or if you just want
to go check out Buddy Holly's birthplace; take the time to have
Cooper's mommy take your pictures! She is A.MAZE.ING with a
personality you just can't get enough of! Look how fab her and Cooper
made his b.loved look!

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